Sunday, September 17, 2023

Five Random Cubs Cards

  I've got 21,195 Cubs cards from 316 different brands listed on a spreadsheet. A random number generator picked five cards, one each from the past several decades.

1900s - 1970s: 1954 Bowman #29 Johnny Klippstein Can you imagine a set today that has just the player's signature with no other graphics?  You'd have no way of knowing his name!

1980s: 1984 Donruss #266 Dickie Noles  An unflattering picture matched his unflattering 1984 season.  Noles was 2-2 with an ERA of 5.15 when the Cubs traded him to the Rangers in early July. In Texas he posted a 2-3 record with the same 5.15 ERA.

1990s: 1996 Bowman #274 Bobby Morris  Bad design here - his name is almost unreadable with the dark uniform in the background.  Injuries derailed his career and Morris never rose above AA.

2000s: 2008 X #20 Kerry Wood  Did Twitter have to pay Upper Deck to use the brand name X?  

2010s: 2011 Topps Chrome #193 Darwin Barney  I've got 16 different versions of his card!


  1. One one hand, that's ridiculous that there are 16 versions of one card. On the other hand that's pretty cool seeing 16 of them together
