Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Other Ernie Banks Card


This card was featured in Eighties Alphabetically a few weeks ago.  It was one of five Cubs in the set.

One interesting feature of the set is that all of the pictures are cropped and aligned so that the yellow header box covers over most, if not all, of the logo on their hat.  It had to be something that was done intentionally.

That begs the question of why?  Was it a logo and copyright issue?  Because if it was, even though the cap logo was covered, there are many visible logos on the jerseys.

I mention all of this because when the Eighties post ran, I got an email from a reader letting me know about an Ernie Banks card variation.  I recently got a copy of the card.

With this one, the cropping isn't as tight and you can clearly see the logo on his hat.  The card makers must have noticed that and came out with an updated card hiding the logo.  But again the question has to be, why were the logos covered?


  1. That set had a lot of variations usually the hat logo, but there are others too. There is also a premium on those. Congrats on the Banks variant.

  2. If I remember correctly, they were told they did not have rights to the logos and had to redo some cards
