Monday, September 16, 2024

Two More From the Most Wanted List

 I picked up two more cards off of my Most Wanted List.  They are the third and fourth I've gotten this year.  Four cards in nine months is much worse than last year's card per month, but I'm happy to be able to take care of anything of of the list at any time.

They are both from the 1985 TCMA 1949 Play Ball set.  

Look at the scene behind Jeffcoat.  The bleachers look so bare.  There's not addition, no ribbon screen, no video board, not advertising.  The apartment building has no rooftop seating either.  It's a totally different look now, and I'm not sure its for the better.


  1. I agree to Mr Bateman remark but unfortunately the Ball was only white during that time sad to say

  2. My first instinct is to focus on Jeffcoat on that card... but I'm glad you pointed out he background because that's the real treat.
