Thursday, December 29, 2022

2023 Cubs Calendar

Saying goodbye to 2022 means saying hello to a new edition of the Cubs calendar.

As usual, the Turner calendar has a very early print deadline.  They've added a disclaimer that says "All featured players are under contract at time of printing."  By the time the new year begins, there are several that are not.

Right now 1/3 of the players shown are no longer with the Cubs.  The top row is January through March, Happ and Hendrick still Cubs, Heyward is not.

In the second row we have just Adbert Alzolay sill with the team while Rafael Ortega and Frank Schwindel are gone.

Row three is July to September, Alec Mills is off the roster while Marcus Stroman and Nick Madrigal remain.,

Finally, the bottom row, which has the last three months, features all current Cubs.  How about that!

We'll see how many remain by the time we switch over to the 2024 calendar.  If you're curious about the 2022 calendar,  in January it already had three ex-Cubs.  Today, just four of the twelve are still on the team.


  1. Heyward is odd. They knew that he was leaving before the season was over?!? For the next few years they may just want to show pics of Wrigley Field?

  2. The Mets calendar has Robinson CanĂ³!!! He was released and signed with another team in MAY! Insane.
