Sunday, May 31, 2020

Five Random Cubs Cards

I've got 18,139 Cubs cards from 243 different brands listed on a spreadsheet. A random number generator picked five cards, one each from the past several decades.
1900s - 1970s: 1968 Topps #366 Ron Santo All Star Santo was the starting third baseman at the 1968 All-Star game, held in the Astrodome on July 9.  He went 1-2 (plus a walk), with a single in the bottom of the eighth inning.  You don't see someone play eight innings in the All-Star game today.  
1980s: 1990 Donruss #137 Mitch Webster  The early print deadlines for these sets of the late '80s and early '90s were killers.  Webster was traded to the Indians on November 20, 1989, but he's a Cub for all of 1990 according to Donruss.
1990s: 1997 Fleer #448 Brian McRae  Looks like Fleer caught McRae while the team was lined up for the anthem.
2000s: Donruss 2004 #243 Moises Alou  This picture could almost work in today's Donruss sets, since his arm is covering "Chicago" and his head is turned so that you can't see the logo on his helmet.
2010s: 2018 Topps #500 Ryne Sandberg  Ryno got a variation card in the 2018 set, sharing #500 with Kris Bryant.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Even Deeper Down the MSA Rabbit Hole!


I keep falling deeper and deeper into the MSA rabbit hole!

Here's a tile of nine ugly logoless cards.  Logoless, just like the MSA discs.

Now flip the cards over.

Take a closer look at the backs.

MSA wasn't limited to discs.  They did cards too.

And so down further into the rabbit hole I went.  How many different card sets did MSA produce? This wouldn't be as easy as the discs, when I could search the TCDB using the keyword "discs."  

Instead, I first paged through my Cubs binders with all the product cards and store brand cards.  I checked the backs of any of the logoless cards for the telltale ©MSA.  That got me a pretty big list of sets that ran from 1986 through 1996.

Figuring that there were more, my next step was to look over the PSA master lists of a few players that were superstars in the late '80s and early '90.  I settled on three players, figuring at least one of them would have been in every MSA set.  I used the registries for Ryne Sandberg, Robin Yount, and Cal Ripken.  That added several more MSA sets to my list.

I've ended up with a list of 49 different sets.  As with the disc list, I expect this one to be very fluid.  Look it over and let me know if I've missed any.  Also, on Monday I'll have three sets that look like they should be added to the list but the cards are missing the ©MSA.

Here are the 49 I've come up with:

1986    Burger King
Dorman's Cheese
General Mills
Meadow Gold
True Value
1987 Burger King
General Mills
Ralston Purina
Stuart Superstars
1988 Chef Boyardee
1989 Cereal (Ralston Purina) Superstars
JJ Nissen
1990 All American
Jumbo Seeds
1991 Jimmy Dean
Jumbo Seeds
Mootown Snackers
1992 Diet Pepsi
Jimmy Dean
Jimmy Dean Living Legends
Jimmy Dean Rookie Stars
Jumbo Seeds
Mootown Snackers
1993 Duracell
Jimmy Dean
Jimmy Dean Rookie Stars
Metz Bakery
1994 Post
1995 Kraft
1996 Pizza Hut

Friday, May 29, 2020

...And the List Keeps Changing

Remember how I dropped the MSA disc list from 93 sets to 92?

Well, the list keeps changing.  I have a feeling that it will continue to do that for a while.

It's now back to 93 sets. The latest addition is from 1981, which, ironically, was the year from which I took away one.

MSA had sample discs with this stamped on the back.  When I saw the listing in the Standard Catalog index, I assumed it was for the "Mini" set referred to on the Trading Card Database.  Yesterday I actually read the catalog article and saw that there were these samples.  The catalog lists the same 32-disc checklist as the blank-backed Peter Pan /Sunbeam discs.

That means I've not only added another set to the list, but that I have another Cub disc to get, since Bill Buckner is in the set.  An Ebay search for "1981 MSA Sample" brings up just eight listings, and Billy Buck isn't one of them.  Rats!

While I'm talking about the list, let me go over another item, squares.

Several of the sets from 1988 - 1990 also have square proof versions out there.  I'm not ready to add them to my master list yet.  The aren't listed separately in the Standard Catalog,Trading Card Database, or in the PSA master lists.  If they aren't listing them, I won't either.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

How Tough Are the Missing Discs

There are 21 MSA Cubs discs that I'm missing.  They come from 11 different sets.  Just how tough will it be for me to get those?

To answer that, I'm going to use Ebay as a gauge.  I will search for any disc from the set.  The more that are available, the easier it should be for me to get the missing Cubs.

1976 Carousel - missing Cardenal, Madlock, Morales, and Thornton.  This is a 70-disc set.  My Ebay search turned up 19 listings.  That means that there are a lot more players not available than just my three Cubs.  This will be tough

1976 Crane - missing Thornton.  I've already written about his one.  I know it will be very difficult because Thornton's Cubs version is much scarcer than the disc that shows him with the Expos.

1976 Red Barn - Missing Madlock, Monday, Thornton.  This one will be even harder than Carousel.  Just 12 listings were found on Ebay for the 70 discs.

1977 Saga - Missing Cardenal.  I found 30 listings, which is far more than the other disc sets, but no Jose.  I'm a bit more hopeful that one will surface.

1979 Wiffle - Missing Buckner, Cardenal, Kingman, Trillo - There are 88 discs in this set and I'm missing four of the five Cubs.  Ebay has 42 different listings, but none of those include my missing four.  Another difficult one.

1981 and 1982 FBI -  Missing Kingman ('81) and Steve Henderson ('82).  This set will be the most difficult.  FBI is not our law enforcement agency.  It's Fanta Beverage, Inc., a Canadian soft drink manufacturer.  The discs were on the bottom of six-pack cartons.  People didn't even know that the discs were there.  The discs also suffered damage caused by the beverage containers.  The are 22 discs in the '81 set and 32 the next year.  Ebay has one listing for the two years.  Yikes!

1985 Thom McAn - Missing Sandberg and Sutcliffe.  This is another one that may take a while.  There are 46 discs in the set and just 13 Ebay listings.

1985 Subway / Blank Back  - Missing Sandberg and Sutcliffe  These are blank backed discs but were given away at Subway shops.  I found just seven available on Ebay.

1989 Key Food - Missing Dawson.  The set has 20 discs and Ebay has five listings.

1989 Our Own Tea - Missing Dawson  This set is identical to the Key Food discs with just the brand name switched.  Six listing are on Ebay including one for Dawson.  The price, though, is $25 and that is a bit too steep for me.

So there you have my missing 21, which will most likely be missing for a while.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Already A Change to My MSA Master List

I've mentioned my frustration in trying to compile a master list of all the different MSA discs.  There is no definitive source as the Standard Catalog and Trading Card Database don't match one another.

A recent arrival caused me to reconsider my list and I've now readjusted it to 92 different issues instead of 93.  Here's what's up:

The Standard Catalog has a 1981 MSA issue listed at Peter Pan / Sunbeam Bakery Discs.  The discs came in loaves of Sunbeam bread.  Oddly, though, the backs are blank so there is no mention anywhere of the sponsors. One Cub was on the checklist and that disc came yesterday.

It's Bill Buckner!  While on the blog the disc may look like all the other MSA discs from that era, it isn't.  And as soon as I saw it I had one of those head smacking moments.

See what's different?  MSA didn't issue any discs in 1980 and when they returned in 1981, there was a major change.  Shrinkage.  The discs got smaller.  And that's when I knew that I had an extra set on my list that needed to be removed.

A search for 1981 discs yields two disc results, but no Peter Pan / Sunbeam listing.

The catalog lists MSA/Peter Pan Sunbeam Bakery, but no MSA Mini.

So what gives?

They are both referring to the same set.  To someone with minimal hobby knowledge (like me), the discs are smaller than previous ones - mini.  They are MSA. There is no mention anywhere of any sponsor.  Calling them MSA Minis in the TCDB makes perfect sense.

Those with 1980s knowledge knew that these came in loaves of Sunbeam bread.  That's what went in the Standard Catalog.

When I made my list I included the 1981 MSA Mini set listed in the TCDB and the Peter Pan / Sunbeam set listed in the Standard Catalog.  I now know that they are one in the same.  

That means there are 92 MSA brands (at least for now!) and 137 Cubs.  Unfortunately I picked up both a mini and Sunbeam (which means I have two from the same issue), so I'm still missing 21 discs.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

My MSA Master Cubs List

On Saturday I posted a list of the 93 MSA disc sets that I've found.  Today I'll go a bit further and show you all of the Cubs on the list.  There are a total of 138 Cubs.  I'm missing 21 of them and they are in bold.  Anyone got any spares their looking to get rid of??

1975MSA TestNo Cubs
1976BlankCardenal, Madlock, Monday, Morales, Thornton
1976BuckmanCardenal, Madlock, Monday, Morales, Thornton
1976CarouselCardenal, Madlock, Monday, Morales, Thornton
1976CraneCardenal, Madlock, Monday, Morales, Thornton
1976  Dairy IsleCardenal, Madlock, Monday, Morales, Thornton
1976Isaly'sCardenal, Madlock, Monday, Morales, Thornton
1976OrbakersCardenal, Madlock, Monday, Morales, Thornton
1976Red BarnCardenal, Madlock, Monday, Morales, Thornton
1976SafelonCardenal, Madlock, Monday, Morales, Thornton
1976Towne ClubCardenal, Madlock, Monday, Morales, Thornton
1977Burger ChefBonham, Buckner, Burris, Cardenal, Madlock, Morales, Reuschel, Trillo, Wallis
1977Chilly WilleeCardenal, Murcer
1977Dairy IsleCardenal, Murcer
1977Detroit CaesarsCardenal, Murcer
1977Holiday InnCardenal, Murcer
1977MSA CustomizedCardenal, Murcer
1977Pepsi GloveTrillo
1977SagaCardenal, Murcer
1977Wendy'sCardenal, Murcer
1977Zip'zCardenal, Murcer
1978Big T / Tastee FreezKingman
1978Papa Gino'sNo Cubs
1978WiffleBuckner, Burris, Trillo
1979WiffleBuckner, Burris, Cardenal, Kingman, Trillo
1981MSA MiniBuckner
1981Peter Pan / Sunbeam BreadBuckner
1982On Deck CookiesBuckner
1983Roy Rogers YankeesNo Cubs
1985Cain'sNo Cubs
1985Jox Thom McAnSandberg, Sutcliffe
1985KASSandberg, Sutcliffe
1985Kitty CloverSandberg, Sutcliffe
1985Subway (blank back)Sandberg, Sutcliffe
1986CainsNo Cubs
1986Jay'sDavid, Dernier, Dunston, Moreland, Sandberg, Smith, Sutcliffe
1986Jiffy PopSandberg
1986KASNo Cubs
1986Kitty CloverNo Cubs
1987Cain'sNo Cubs
1987Jiffy PopSandberg
1987Key FoodNo Cubs
1987Our Own TeaNo Cubs
1987Super StarsNo Cubs
1987Weis WinnersNo Cubs
1988Master BreadNo Cubs
1988Fantastic Sam'sDawson
1988Hostess Potato ChipsNo Cubs
1988Jiffy PopDawson
1988Key FoodsNo Cubs
1988King BDawson
1988Our Own TeaNo Cubs
1988Super StarsNo Cubs
1988Tetley TeaNo Cubs
1988Weis WinnersNo Cubs
1989Bimbo CookiesNo Cubs
1989Holsum SchaferGrace
1989Key FoodDawson
1989King BSandberg
1989Master BreadNo Cubs
1989Our Own TeaDawson
1989Rainier FarmsGrace
1989Super StarsDawson
1989TaysteeNo Cubs
1989Tetley TeaDawson
1989Weis WinnersDawson
1990King BWalton
1990MSA Super StarsSandberg
1990Tetley TeaSandberg
1991King BSandberg
1992Ben's Super HittersSandberg
1992Coke HardeesDawson
1992King BSandberg
1993Ben's Super PitchersMyers
1993King BSandberg
1994Innovative ConfectionsNo Cubs
1994King BSandberg
1995King BNo Cubs
1996King BNo Cubs
1996Schwebel's StarsNo Cubs
1997King BSandberg
1998King BNo Cubs
1999King BMorandini
2000King BGrace
2001King BNo Cubs
2001King B LegendsBanks, Dawson, Kingman
2002King BAlou

Monday, May 25, 2020

On This Memorial Day.... Thank You

I first ran this post on Memorial Day several years ago.  It's worth running again today.

We have the day off today, and we may have a cook out, work around the house, watch a ball game, and generally enjoy ourselves.  But make sure you remember why we have the day off, Memorial Day.  Today we say thank you to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for us.

The list of major league ballplayers who made that sacrifice is a fairly short one, five in WWI and two in WWII.  But the list of players who served in the military during wartime is a much longer one.    Below I've got a list of 1,365 ballplayers, managers, coaches, and umpires that served in World War II.  The source for the list is Baseball In Wartime.  If you enjoy baseball and American history, you can spend hours there.  I highly recommend a visit to the sight.

A few of the Cubs on the list include Bob Adams, Joe Garagiola, Roy Smalley, and Hoyt Wilhelm.

Cliff AbersonOFUS ArmyUSA
Cal AbramsOFUS ArmyETO
George AbramsPUS NavyPacific
Joe AbreauIFUS NavyUSA
Bill AdairManagerUS ArmyETO
Bobby Adams2B-3BUSAAFUSA
Bob AddisOFUS Marine CorpsPacific
Bill AkersIFUSAAFPacific
Ed AlbostaPUS ArmyUSA
Jack AlbrightSSUS NavyPacific
Dale AldersonPUS NavyUSA
Bob AlexanderPUS NavyUSA
Ethan AllenOFUS ArmyMediterranean
Mel AlmadaOFUS ArmyUSA
Tom Alston1BUS NavyUSA
Wayne AmblerSSUS NavyETO/Pacific
Alf AndersonSSUS NavyUSA
Andy AndersonCUS ArmyETO
Andy AndersonIFUS ArmyETO
Arne AndersonPUS NavyPacific
Bill AndersonPUS Army
Hal AndersonOF
Red AndersonPUS NavyPacific
John AndrePUSAAFPacific
Ernie Andres3BUS NavyAtlantic
Bill AndressUmpireUS Navy
Hub AndrewsPUSAAF
Bill Andrus3BUS ArmyUSA
Bill AntonelloOFUS NavyPacific
Pete Appleton (Jablonowski)PUS NavyUSA
Luke ApplingSSUS ArmyUSA
Jack AragonCUS Coast GuardUSA
George Archie3B-1BUS ArmyETO
Rugger ArdizoiaPUSAAFPacific
Hank Arft1BUS NavyPacific
Morrie ArnovichOFUS ArmyUSA
Joe AstrothCCoast GuardUSA
Jim AtkinsPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Toby Atwell
Chick AutryCUS Marine Corps
Bill AyersPUS ArmyETO
Dick AylwardCUS ArmyETO
Fred BaczewskiPUSAAF
Jim BagbyPMerchant Marine
Ed BahrPUS Navy
Bill BakerCUS NavyUSA
Gene Baker2B/3BUS Navy
Bobby BalcenaOFUS Navy
George BambergerPUS ArmyMTO/ETO
Hal BambergerOF
Dan BankheadPUS Marine CorpsUSA
Al BarlickUmpireUS Coast GuardUSA
Rex BarneyPUS ArmyETO
Vic BarnhartSSUS Army
Dick BartellSSUS NavyUSA
Boyd BartleySSUS Army
Dave BartoschOFCoast Guard
Monty Basgall2BUS ArmyUSA
Bud BatesOFUS NavyUSA
Hank BauerOFUS Marine CorpsPacific
Russ BauersPUS ArmyETO
Frank BaumholtzOFUS NavyAtlantic/Pacific
Ted BeardOFUS ArmyPacific
Gene BeardenPUS NavyPacific
Johnny BeazleyPUS ArmyUSA
Joe BeckerCUS Navy
Clarence BeersPUSAAF
Joe BeggsPUS NavyAtlantic
Hank BehrmanPUS ArmyETO
Ollie BejmaIFUS Navy
Beau BellOFUS Army
Fern BellOFUS NavyPacific
Ray BengePUS NavyPacific
Joe Bennett3BUS Army
Vern BensonOFUS Army
Al BentonPUS Navy
Johnny Berardino2BUS Naval ReserveUSA
Wally BergerOFUS NavyUSA
Johnny BeroIFUSAAF
Yogi BerraCUS NavyETO
Joe BerryPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Herman BessePUS Navy
Lou Bevil (Bevilacqua)PUS Army
Hank Biasatti1BCanadian Army
Vern BickfordPUS ArmyPacific
Jim BilbreyPUS Navy
Porky BiscanPUS NavyUSA
Charlie BishopPUS Navy
Hi BithornPUS NavyPacific
Jim BivinPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Joe BlackPUS Army
Jim BlackburnPUS ArmyETO
Wayne BlackburnCoachUS Army
Ewell BlackwellPUS ArmyETO
Ed BlakePUS ArmyPacific
Linc BlakelyOFUS NavyUSA
Al BlanchePUS Army
Johnny BlatnikOFUSAAFUSA
Buddy BlattnerIFUS NavyPacific
Cy Block3BUS Coast GuardUSA
Jimmy Bloodworth2BUS ArmyUSA
Mike BlyzkaPUS Army
Milt BocekOFUS ArmyPacific
Eddie Bockman3BUS NavyUSA
Jack Bolling1BUS Army
Don Bollweg1BUS ArmyUSA
Cecil Bolton1BUS Army
Cliff BoltonCUS Army
Julio BonettiPUS Army
Nino BongiovanniOFUSAAFUSA
Bill BonnessPUS Army
Zeke Bonura1BUS ArmyMTO
Ray BooneIFUS Navy
Red BoromIFUS Army
Mel BosserPUS Army
John BottariniCUSAAF
Tim BowdenOFUS Army
Grover BowersOFUS ArmyETO
Charlie BowlesPUSAAFUSA
Bob Boyd1B/OFUS Army
Cloyd BoyerPUS NavyUSA
Gibby BrackOFUS NavyPacific
Bill BradfordPUS Navy
Vic BradfordOFUS NavyUSA
Fred BradleyPUS Navy
George BradshawCUS Marine Corps
Bobby BraganSS-CUS ArmyUSA
Al BrancatoSSUS NavyPacific
Norm BranchPUS Coast GuardUSA
Bill BrandtPUS NavyUSA
Al BrazlePUS ArmyETO
Bill BreckinridgePUS Army
Herb BremerCUS ArmyETO
Jack BrewerPUS Navy
Tommy BridgesPUS ArmyUSA
Lou BrissiePUS ArmyMediterranean
Jack BrittinPUS NavyPacific
Johnny BroacaPUS Army
Ken BrondellPUS Army
Sig BroskieCUS Navy
Joe BroviaOFUS Army
Big Bill BrownOFUS ArmyETO
Bobby Brown3BUS Navy
Jimmy BrownIFUSAAF
Jumbo BrownPUS NavyUSA
Lindsay BrownSSUS Navy
Mace BrownPUS Navy/US Marine CorpsPacific
Norm BrownPUS Army
Walter BrownPUS Navy
Jack BrunerPUS Navy
Roy BrunerPUS NavyUSA
Bill BrutonOFUS Army
Hal Bubser1BUS Army
Johnny BuchaCUS Navy
Garland BuckeyePUS Navy
Mike BudnickPUS NavyPacific
Cy BukerPUS ArmyUSA
Nelson BurbrinkCUS Navy
Lew BurdettePUSAAF
Smoky BurgessCUS Army
Bill BurichSS-3BUS ArmyMediterranean
Bobby BurkePUS Navy
George BurpoPUS NavyUSA
Paul BurrisCUS Army
Moe BurtschyPUS Navy
Jim BusbyOFUS Army
Joe BuskeySSUS Army
Bill ButlandPUS ArmyPacific
Ralph BuxtonPUS Navy
Harry ByrdPUS Army
Sammy ByrdOFUS Navy
Tommy ByrnePUS NavyMediterranean
Tom CafegoOFUS Army
Bob CainPUS Navy
Bruce CaldwellOFUS Navy
Fred CaligiuriPUS ArmyETO/MTO
Hank CamelliCUS Army
Al Campanis (Campani)2BUS NavyUSA
Bruce CampbellOFUSAAFUSA
John CampbellPUS Navy
Paul Campbell1BUSAAFETO
Soup CampbellOFUS ArmyPacific
Milo CandiniPUS ArmyPacific
Mike CantwellPUS Marine Corps
John CardenPUS Marine CorpsUSA
Tom Carey2BUS NavyPacific
Jim CarlinOFUS NavyPacific
Donald CarlsenPUS Army
Ed CarnettOFUS NavyUSA
Dan CarnevaleCoachUS ArmyETO
Bob CarpenterPUS ArmyUSA
Sam CarriganUmpireUS Navy
Kit CarsonOFUS Army
Frank CarswellOFUS Marine CorpsUSA
Hugh CaseyPUS NavyPacific
Jack Cassini2BUSAAFUSA
Jim CastigliaCUS ArmyUSA
Pete Castiglione3BUS NavyPacific
Hardin CatheyPUS Army
Rex CecilPUS Army
Bob ChakalesP
Bill ChamberlainPUS Army
Ed ChandlerPUSAAFPacific
Spud ChandlerPUS ArmyUSA
Ben ChapmanOF-PUS NavyUSA
Fred ChapmanSSUS NavyPacific
Sam ChapmanOFUS NavyUSA
Paul ChervinkoCUSAAF
Bob ChesnesPCoast Guard
Mitch ChetkovichPUS Army
Lou ChiozzaIFUS Army
Bob ChipmanPUS Army
Walter Chipple (Chilipala)OFUS NavyUSA
Nestor ChylakUmpireUS ArmyETO
Larry CiaffoneOFUS Army
Ted Cieslak3BUS ArmyUSA
Al CihockiIFCoast Guard
Lou CiolaPUS NavyPacific
Allie ClarkOFUS Army
Mel ClarkOFUS NavyPacific
Mike ClarkPUS Army
Stu ClarkeIFUS Navy
Buzz ClarksonSSUS Army
Joe ClearyPUS ArmyMediterranean
Chet ClemensOFUS Navy
Bill ClemensenPUS Army
Tom ClydePUS Army
Dave CobleCUSAAF
Mickey CochraneCUS NavyPacific
Andy Cohen2BUS ArmyMediterranean
Dick ColeIFUS Army
Ed Cole (Kisleauskas)PUS Army
Jerry Coleman2BUS Navy/US Marine CorpsPacific
Joe ColemanPUS NavyPacific
Ray ColemanOFUS NavyMTO/Pacific
Eddie CollinsOFUS NavyPacific
Joe Collins (Kollonige)1BUS Navy
Merl CombsIFUS Army
Clint ConatserOFCoast GuardPacific
Dick CongerPUS Marine Corps
Bill ConnellyPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Bud ConnollySSUS Navy
Chuck Connors1BUS ArmyUSA
Merv Connors3B-1BUS ArmyETO
Bill ConroyCUS NavyUSA
Jack ConwaySSUS NavyPacific
Herb Conyers1BUSAAF
Rollin CookPUS Army
Dusty CookeOFUS NavyUSA
Bobby CoombsPUS NavyPacific
Bob CooneyPUS Army
Cal CooperPUS Navy
Pat Cooper1B-PUS Army
Walker CooperCUS NavyUSA
Mays CopelandPUS Army
Henry CoppolaPUS Navy
Claude CorbittIFUSAAFUSA
Al CorwinPUS NavyUSA
Ed CotterIFUS Navy
Clint CourtneyCUS ArmyPacific
Bill CoxPUS ArmyUSA
Billy CoxSS-3BUS ArmyETO
Harry CraftOFUS NavyPacific
Howard CragheadPUS Navy
Shag CrawfordUmpireUS NavyPacific
Pat Creeden2BUS Navy
Bernie CregerSSUS Navy
Bob CreminsPUSAAFPacific
Creepy Crespi2BUS ArmyUSA
Walker CressP
Jack CrimianPUS Army
Jeff CrossIFUS NavyUSA
Dingle CroucherSS-2BUSAAFUSA
George Crowe1BUS ArmyCBI
Al Cuccinello2BCoast Guard
Bud CullotonPUS Army
Benny CulpCUS Navy
Vern CurtisPUS Navy
Dom DallessandroOFUS ArmyUSA
Tony Daniels2BUS Marine Corps
Harry DanningCUSAAFUSA
Cliff DapperCUS NavyPacific
Al DarkSSUS Marine CorpsPacific
Frank DascoliUmpireUS Coast Guard
Bob DaughtersPRUS Navy
Crash Davis2BUS NavyUSA
George DavisPUS Army
Jim DavisPUS Marine Corps
Red Davis3BUSAAF
Scat DavisOFUS NavyUSA
Tod DavisIFUS Army
Woody DavisPUS Navy
Chubby DeanP-1BUSAAFPacific
Daffy DeanPUS Army
Mike DejanOFUS Army
Bill DeKoningCMerchant Marine
Garton Del SavioSSCoast Guard
Jim DelsingOFUS ArmyETO
Billy DeMarsSSUS NavyUSA
Sam DenteIFUS Army
Gene DesautelsCUS Marine CorpsUSA
Ducky Detweiler3BUS ArmyUSA
Mel DeutschPUS Army
Charlie DevensPUS Navy
Bill DickeyCUS Naval ReservePacific
Skeets DickeyCUS NavyPacific
Emerson DickmanPUS Navy
Murry DicksonPUS ArmyETO
Chuck DieringOFUS ArmyPacific
Dutch DietzPUS ArmyUSA
Bob Dillinger3BUSAAFPacific
Dom DiMaggioOFUS NavyPacific
Joe DiMaggioOFUSAAFPacific
Bob DiPietroOFUS Army
Sonny DixonPUS NavyPacific
Ray DobensPUS NavyCBI
Jess DobernicPUS Army
Joe DobsonPUS ArmyUSA
Larry DobyOFUS NavyPacific
Bobby Doerr2BUS ArmyUSA
Augie DonatelliUmpireUSAAFETO
Bill DonovanPUS Navy
Fritz DorishPUS ArmyPacific
Cal DorsettPUS Marine CorpsPacific
John Douglas1BUS NavyUSA
Tom DrakePUS Navy
Clem DreisewerdPUS NavyUSA
Walt Dropo1BUS ArmyETO
John DudraIFUS Army
Grant DunlapOFUS Marine Corps
Red DurrettOFUS Marine CorpsPacific
Erv DusakOF-PUS ArmyPacific
Jim Dyck3B-OFUS Navy
Tom EarleyPUS NavyUSA
Jake EarlyCUS ArmyETO
Moose EarnshawPUS NavyPacific
Hugh EastPUS NavyUSA
Luke Easter1BUS Army
Zeb EatonPUS Army
Johnny EcholsIFUS Army
Charlie EckertPUSAAF
Bruce EdwardsCUS ArmyETO
Foster EdwardsPUS Army
Hank EdwardsOFUS ArmyUSA
Elmer Eggert2BUSAAF
Jake EisenhartPUS Army
Harry EisenstatPUSAAF
Heinie ElderPUS Army
Pete Elko3BUS ArmyUSA
Harry ElliottOFUS NavyUSA
Red EmbreePUS Army
Bill EndicottOFUS Army
Charlie EnglishIF
Del EnnisOFUS NavyPacific
Russ EnnisCUS Army
Al EpperlyP
Hal EppsOFUS Marine CorpsPacific
Yo-Yo EppsCUS Marine CorpsPacific
Eddie ErauttPUS ArmyUSA
Joe ErauttCUSAAFPacific
Hal EricksonPUSAAFPacific
Cal Ermer2BUS Marine CorpsUSA
Carl ErskinePUS NavyUSA
Larry EschenUSAAFETO
Al EvansCUS NavyUSA
Bill EvansPUS ArmyETO
Red EvansPUS Navy
George EyrichPUS NavyPacific
Everett FaganPUS Army
Jerry FahrPUS ArmyETO
Ferris Fain1BUSAAFPacific
Flash FallonSS-2B
Frank FanovichPUSAAFETO
Vern FearPUS Navy
Al Federoff2B-SSUSAAF
Dutch FehringCUS NavyUSA
Eddie FeinbergSSUS ArmyETO
Marv FeldermanCUS NavyPacific
Bob FellerPUS NavyAtlantic/Pacific
Ed FernandesCUS NavyUSA
Nanny Fernandez3BUSAAFPacific
Bill FerrazziPUS Navy
Tom FerrickPUS NavyPacific
Chick FewsterIFMerchant Marine
Sam FileIFCoast Guard
Steve FilipowiczOF-CUS Marine Corps
Tommy FinePUSAAF
Carl FischerPUSAAF
Edward Fitz GeraldCUS ArmyETO
Joe FitzgeraldCoachUS ArmyUSA
Wally FlagerSSUS Army
Red FlahertyUmpireUS Marine Corps
Al Flair1BUS ArmyPacific
Ray FlaniganPUS ArmyETO
Bill FlemingPUS ArmyUSA
Elbie Fletcher1BUS NavyPacific
Wes FlowersPUS Navy
Stu FlythePUS Army
Dee Fondy1BUS ArmyETO
Dick FowlerPCanadian ArmyCanada
Irish FoxCUS NavyAtlantic
Fred FrankhousePUS Army
Jack FranklinPUS Army
Moe Franklin3BUS NavyUSA
Herman FranksCUS NavyPacific
Bud FrantzUmpireUSAAF
Joe FrazierOFCoast Guard
Ed FreedOFUS Army
George Freese3BUSAAF
Vern Freiberger1BUS Navy
Larry FrenchPUS NavyETO/Pacific
Walter FrenchOFUS Army
Lonny Frey2BUS ArmyUSA
Jim FridleyOFUS Army
Fred FrinkOFUS Marine Corps
Charlie FryePUS Army
Skoonj FurilloOFUS ArmyPacific
Les FusselmanCUS Army
Frank GablerPCoast Guard
Ken GablesPUS Army
Len Gabrielson1BUS Navy
Nemo GainesPUS Navy
Milt GalatzerOFUS Army
Denny GalehousePUS NavyUSA
Joe GallagherOFUS Army
Stan Galle (Galazewski)3BUS Coast Guard
Lee GambleOFUS ArmyUSA
Joe GantenbeinIFUS Army
Joe GaragiolaCUS ArmyPacific
Alex GarbowskiPUS Army
Dave GarciaManagerUS Army
Mike GarciaPUS ArmyETO
Art GaribaldiIFCoast Guard
Cecil GarriottOFUS Army
Ford GarrisonOFUS NavyUSA
Ned GarverPUS Navy
Sid GautreauxCUS ArmyPacific
Huck GearySSUS NavyUSA
Pete GebrianPUS Army
Charlie Gehringer2BUS NavyUSA
Paul GehrmanPUS Army
Charlie GelbertSS-3BUS NavyUSA
Joe GenewichPUS Navy
George GenoveseSSUS Army
Sam GentileOFUS Navy
Steve GerkinPUS ArmyUSA
Johnny GerlachIFUSAAF
Floyd GiebellPUS Coast GuardUSA
Andy GilbertOFUSAAF
Charlie GilbertOFUS NavyPacific
George GillPUSAAFPacific
Paul GillespieCUS Coast Guard
Joe GinsbergCUS ArmyPacific
Al GionfriddoOFUS ArmyUSA
Jim GladdCUS ArmyETO
Roland Gladu3BUS Army
Tommy GlavianoIFUS Coast Guard
Jim GleesonOFUS NavyPacific
Joe Glenn (Gurzensky)CUS NavyPacific
Al GlossopIFUS NavyPacific
Izzy GoldsteinPUS Army
Lonnie Goldstein1BUS ArmyUSA
Stan GoletzPUSAAF
Mike Goliat2BUS ArmyPacific
Smokey GonzalesPUS NavyPacific
Billy Goodman2B-3BUS NavyPacific
Jim GoodwinPUS Army
Ray GoolsbyOFUS Army
Joe GordonSSUSAAFPacific
Sid Gordon3B-OFUS Coast GuardUSA
Herb GormanOFUS Coast Guard
Thomas GormanUS NavyPacific
Tom GormanPUS ArmyMediterranean
Hank GornickiPUS ArmyUSA
Johnny Gorsica (Gorczyca)PUS NavyUSA
Nick GoulishOFUS Army
Hank GowdyCoachUS ArmyUSA
Earl GraceCUS Army
Joe GraceOFUS NavyPacific
Jack GrahamOF-1BUSAAF
Mickey GrassoCUS ArmyN Africa
Johnny GrayUS ArmyMediterranean
Ted GrayPUS NavyPacific
Bill GreasonPUS Marine Corps
Hank GreenbergOF-1BUS Army/USAAFCBI
Kent GreenfieldPUSAAF
Paul GregoryPUS NavyUSA
Buddy Gremp1BUS NavyUSA
Ross GrimsleyPUSAAFETO
Lee GrissomPUS ArmyUSA
Marv GrissomPUS Navy
Johnny GrodzickiPUS ArmyETO
Howdy Groskloss
Ernie GrothPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Johnny GrothOFUS NavyUSA
Sig GryskaSSUS Navy
Ben GuintiniOFUS Army
Lefty GuisePUS Army
Lou Guisto1BUS Navy
Gunboat GumbertPUS ArmyUSA
Randy GumpertPUS Coast Guard
Bert Haas1B-3BUS ArmyMediterranean
Bob HabenichtPUSAAF
Warren HackerPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Dick HahnCUS Navy
Sammy HairstonC
Chet Hajduk1BUS NavyPacific
George HalasOFUS Navy
Bob HallPCoast Guard
Bill HallahanPUS Army
Jack HallettPUS NavyPacific
Granny HamnerSSUS Army
Ralph HamnerPUS NavyPacific
Ray Hamrick2B-SSUS NavyUSA
Buddy HanckenCUS Marine Corps
Andy HansenPUS Army
Snipe HansenPPacific
Don Hanski (Hanyzewski)PUS Army
Bud HardinIFUS ArmyMediterranean
Red HardyPUS Navy
Bill HarmanPUS Marine Corps
Chuck Harmon3B-OFUS NavyUSA
Bob HarrisPUS NavyPacific
Bubba HarrisPUS Navy
Lum HarrisPUS NavyPacific
Mickey HarrisPUS ArmyCanal Zone
Ned HarrisOFUS NavyPacific
Irish HarristPUSAAF
Sam HarshanyCUS Naval ReservePacific
Jack HarshmanPUS NavyUSA
Chris HartjeCCoast Guard
Spec Hartsfield2BUS NavyUSA
Don Hasenmayer2B-3BUS Navy
Buddy Hassett1BUS NavyPacific
Gene Hasson1BUS Army
Fred HatfieldIFUS Army
Ray HathawayPUS Navy
Joe HattenPUS Navy
Grady Hatton3B-2BUSAAFUSA
Chris HaugheyPUS ArmyUSA
Phil HaugstadP
Jim HayesPUS Navy
Ed HeadPUS ArmyUSA
Jay HeardPUS Army
Jim HearnPUS ArmyPacific
Tommy HeathCUS Army
Wally HebertPUS Navy
Randy HeflinPUS Navy
Jim HeganCUS Coast Guard
Val HeimOFUS NavyUSA
Ken HeintzelmanPUS ArmyETO
Hank HelfCUS Navy
Rollie HemsleyCUS NavyPacific
Solly HemusIF
Tommy HenrichOFUS Coast GuardUSA
Roy HenshawPUS Navy
Billy Herman2BUS NavyPacific
Gene HermanskiOFUS Coast GuardUSA
Buck HerzogIFUS Army
Johnny HetkiPUS Army
Jim HickeyPUS NavyUSA
Buddy HicksIFUS Navy
Kirby HigbePUS ArmyPacific
Pinky Higgins3BUS NavyUSA
Andy High3BUS NavyPacific
Whitey HilcherPUS ArmyETO
Jesse HillOFUS NavyUSA
Vedie HimslManagerUS Navy
Harley HisnerPUS ArmyUSA
Billy HitchcockSS-3BUSAAFPacific
Jimmy HitchcockSSUS Navy
Lloyd HittlePUS Army
Mel HoderleinIFUSAAF
Gil Hodges (Hodge)1BUS Marine CorpsPacific
Ralph HodginOF-3BUS ArmyUSA
Eli HodkeyPUS Army
Lefty HoerstPUS NavyAtlantic/Pacific
Bobby HofmanIFUS ArmyETO
Bobby HoguePUS Navy
Jim HonochickUmpireUS NavyAtlantic/Pacific
Bob HooperPUSAAF
Dick HooverPUS Navy
Jim HopperPUS ArmyUSA
Vern HoscheitCoachUSAAFUSA
Major HoukCUS ArmyETO
Lefty HowardPUS NavyPacific
Calvin HowePUS Army
Dixie HowellCUS ArmyETO
Dixie HowellPUS ArmyETO
Tex HoylePUS Army
Otto HuberIFUS Army
Willis HudlinPUSAAF
Sid HudsonPUSAAFPacific
Ben HuffmanCUS NavyPacific
Jim HughesPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Tommy HughesPUS ArmyUSA
Tex HughsonPUSAAFPacific
Herb HunterIFUS Navy
Fred HutchinsonPUS NavyPacific
Monte IrvinOFUS ArmyETO
Ray Jablonski3B
John JacksonPUS Army
Randy Jackson3BUS NavyUSA
Spook Jacobs2BUS Amy
Tony JacobsPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Roy JarvisCUS Navy
Hal JeffcoatOF/PUS ArmyMediterranean
Frank JelinichOFUS Navy
Bill JenningsSSMerchant Marine
“Connie” JohnsonPUS Army
Art JohnsonPUS NavyPacific
Billy Johnson3BUS ArmyETO
Don JohnsonPUS Army
Ernie JohnsonPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Jing JohnsonPUS Navy
Ken JohnsonPUS ArmyPacific
Lefty JohnsonPUS ArmyETO
Rankin JohnsonPUS NavyPacific
Si JohnsonPUS NavyUSA
Pop JoinerPUS Army
Stan Jok3B-OFUS Navy
Dave JollyPUS Army
Available JonesPUSAAFCanal Zone
Jake Jones1BUS NavyPacific
Nippy Jones1BUS Marine CorpsPacific
Nubs JonesPUS NavyPacific
Puddin' Head Jones3BUS Navy
Milton JordanPUSAAF
Sonny JordanPUS NavyPacific
Spider Jorgenson3BUSAAF
Walt JudnichOFUSAAFPacific
Howie JudsonPUS Navy
Red Juelich3BUS Army
Ken JungelsPUS ArmyUSA
Al JurisichPUS Coast GuardUSA
Bob Kahle3BUS Navy
Fats Kalin (Kalinkiewicz)OFUS Army
Alex Kampouris2BUSAAF
Marty Karow (Karowsky)IFUS Navy
Herb KarpelPUS ArmyETO
Eddie Kazak (Tkaczuk)3BUS ArmyETO
Eddie KearseCUS Army
Bob KeeganPUS ArmyMediterranean
Chet KehnPUSAAFPacific
Frankie KelleherOFUS ArmyUSA
Charlie KellerOFMerchant MarineUSA
Alex KellnerPUS NavyPacific
Bill Kelly1BUS Army
Ken Keltner3BUS NavyPacific
Bill KennedyPUS ArmyETO
Bob Kennedy3B-OFUS Marine CorpsPacific
Monte KennedyPUS ArmyUSA
Bill KerksieckPUS Army
Russ KernsCUS ArmyETO
Ellis KinderPUS Army
Ralph KinerOFUS Navy Air CorpsPacific
Ernie KishOFCoast Guard
George KissellCoachUS NavyPacific
Hub KittleCoachUS Army
Lou Klein2BUS Coast GuardUSA
Ted KleinhansPUS ArmyETO
Bob KlingerPUS NavyPacific
Austin KnickerbockerOFUS Army
Bill KnickerbockerSSUS Army
Jack KnottPUS ArmyETO
Don Kolloway2BUS ArmyETO
Bruce Konopka1BUS NavyPacific
Jim KonstantyPUS NavyUSA
Clem KoshorekIFUS Army
Dave Koslo (Koslowski)PUS ArmyETO
Mike KosmanOFUS Marine Corps
Ernie KoyOFUS Navy
Al Kozar2BUS Army
Joe KracherCUS Army
Joe KrakauskasPRCAFCanada
Jack KramerPUS NavyUSA
Jack KrausPUS ArmyUSA
Lew KraussePUS Army
Mickey KreitnerCUS Army
Charlie Kress1BUS Army
Kurt KriegerPUS Army
Howie KristPUS ArmyETO
Dick Kryhoski1BUS NavyPacific
Johnny KucabPUS Army
Steve KuczekSSUS Army
Bert KuczynskiPUS NavyPacific
Emil KushPUS NavyUSA
Bob KuzavaPUS ArmyCBI
Al KvasnakOFUS Army
Clem LabinePUS Army
Porky LadePUS Coast Guard
Joe LafataOF-1BUS Army
Al LaMacchiaPUS Army
Hank LamannaPUSAAF
Ray LamannoCUS NavyPacific
Frank LamanskeP
Clayton LambertPUSAAFUSA
Gene LambertPUS Army
Stan LandesUmpireUS Marine Corps
Walt LanfranconiPUS Army
Don Lang3BUSAAFPacific
Max LanierPUS ArmyUSA
Johnny LanningPUS Army
Paul LaPalmePUS Army
Andy LapihuskaPUS ArmyETO
Ralph LaPointeSSUS ArmyUSA
Cookie Lavagetto3BUS NavyPacific
Garland LawingOFUS ArmyETO
Brooks LawrencePUS Army
Roxie LawsonP
Pete LaydonOFUSAAFPacific
Hillis Layne3BUS Army
Les LaytonOFUS Navy
Bevo LeBourveauOFUS Navy
Roy LeePUS Navy
Bill LeFebvreP-PHUS Army
Paul LehnerOFUSAAFPacific
Ed Leip2BUS ArmyMediterranean
Bob LemonPUS NavyPacific
Don LenhardtOFUS NavyAtlantic/Pacific
John LeovichCUS Coast GuardUSA
George LerchenOFUS Navy
Charlie Letchas2BUS Army
Jim LeveySSUS Army
Ed LevyOFCoast Guard
Don LiddlePUS Navy
Bill LillardSS
Lou Limmer1BUSAAF
Lyman LindePUSAAF
Johnny LindellOF-PUS ArmyUSA
Walt LindenCUS Army
Royce LintPUSAAF
Johnny LiponSSUSAAF
Danny LitwhilerOFUS ArmyUSA
Buddy LivelyPUS ArmyETO
Wes LivengoodPUS NavyPacific
Mickey LivingstonCUS ArmyUSA
Bob LoaneOFUS Army
Bill LobeCoachUS ArmyETO
Whitey LockmanOFMerchant Marine/US ArmyPacific
Dario Lodigiani3B-2BUSAAFPacific
Johnny LoganSSUS Army
Lucky Lohrke3B-2BUS Army
Vic LombardiPUS Navy
Joe LonnettCUS Navy
Stan LopataCUS ArmyETO
Arthur LopatkaPUS Army
Turk LownPUS ArmyETO
Peanuts LowreyOFUS ArmyUSA
Sam LowryPUS Army
Hal Luby3BUS Navy
Johnny Lucadello2B-3BUS NavyPacific
Ray LucasPUS NavyUSA
Eddie LukonOFUS Army
Tony Lupien1BUS NavyUSA
Joe Lutz1BUS Marine Corps
Jerry Lynn2BUS ArmyETO
Al LyonsPUS NavyPacific
Eddie Lyons2BUS Navy
Hersh LyonsPUSAAFMediterranean
Ted LyonsPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Ray Mack (Mickovsky)2BUS Army
John MackinsonPUS Army
Max MaconPUS ArmyUSA
Harry MacPhersonPUS NavyUSA
Clarence MaddernOFUS ArmyETO
Ed MadjeskiC
Jack MaguireOFUS Army
Art Mahan1BUS NavyUSA
Duster MailsPUS Marine Corps
Woody MainPUS Marine Corps
Hank Majeski3BUS Coast GuardUSA
Mal MallettePUSAAF
Les Mallon2BUS Navy
Bob MalloyPUS Army
Eddie MaloneCUS Navy
Gordon MaltzbergerPUS Army
Frank MancusoCUS ArmyUSA
Donald MannoIFUS NavyUSA
Dick ManvillePUS Navy
Cliff MapesOFUS NavyPacific
Phil MarchildonPRCAFETO
Gene Markland2BUS Army
Hal Marnie2BUS ArmyUSA
Bob MarquisOFUS Navy
Fred MarshIFUS Navy
Charles MarshallCUS ArmyETO
Henry Marshall2BUS NavyUSA
Max MarshallOFUS NavyUSA
Willard MarshallOFUS Marine CorpsPacific
Barney MartinPUS NavyMediterranean
Fred MartinPUS ArmyPacific
Morrie MartinPUS ArmyETO
Stu Martin2BUS Navy
Babe Martin (Martinovich)OF-CUS NavyUSA
Joe MartyOFUSAAFPacific
Walt MastersonPUS NavyPacific
Pinky May3BUS NavyPacific
Buster MaynardOFUS ArmyUSA
Jack MayoOFUS Marine Corps
Bill McCahanPUSAAF
Windy McCallPUS Marine Corps
Johnny McCarthy1BUS NavyPacific
Mike McCormickOFUSAAFPacific
Barney McCoskyOFUS NavyPacific
Benny McCoy2BUS NavyUSA
Clyde McCulloughCUS NavyUSA
Phil McCulloughPUS NavyPacific
Maje McDonnellCoachUS ArmyETO
Frank McElyeaOFUS Army
Eddie McGahCUS NavyPacific
Dan McGeeSSUS NavyPacific
Pat McGlothinPUS NavyUSA
Mickey McGowanPUS NavyPacific
John McHale1BUS NavyUSA
Rogers McKeePUS NavyUSA
Wayne McLelandPUS Army
Jim McLeod3BUS Army
Ralph McLeodOFUS ArmyETO
Cal McLishPUS ArmyETO
Carl McNabb2BUS ArmyUSA
Red McQuillenOFUS NavyPacific
Irv MedlingerPUS Army
Russ MeersPUS NavyPacific
Sam MeleOFUS Marine CorpsUSA
Rube MeltonPUS ArmyUSA
Lloyd MerrimanOFUS Marine CorpsUSA
Jack Merson2B-3BUS Army
Jim MertzPUS Army
Bill Metzig2BUS Army
Dutch Meyer2BUSAAF
George Meyer2BUS NavyUSA
Russ MeyerPUS ArmyUSA
Ed Mickelson1BUSAAFUSA
Larry MigginsOFMerchant Marine
Eddie Miksis2BUS NavyUSA
Dee MilesOFUS NavyPacific
Bob MillerPUS ArmyPacific
Ox MillerPUS ArmyUSA
Ronnie MillerP
Wally MilliesCUS NavyUSA
Buster MillsOFUSAAFPacific
Lefty MillsPUS Army
Al MilnarPUS ArmyPacific
Pete MilneOFUS Navy
Paul MinnerPUS ArmyUSA
Dale MitchellOFUS Army
Johnny Mize1BUS NavyPacific
John MohardtOFUS Army
Bill MoisanPUS ArmyETO
Fenton Mole1BUSAAF
Al MonchakSS-2BUS Army
Rene MonteagudoP/OFUS Army
Jim MooneyPUS Navy
Anse MooreOFUS ArmyETO
Carlos MoorePUSAAF
Cy MoorePUS Army
Dee MooreCUS Marine CorpsPacific
Euel MoorePUS Army
Ray MoorePUS ArmyUSA
Scrappy Moore3BUSAAF
Terry MooreOFUS ArmyCanal Zone
Whitey MoorePUS Army
Bobby MorganIFUS Army
Ed Moriarty2BUS NavyUSA
Bill MorrellPUSAAFMediterranean
Bud Morse2BUS Army
Walt MorynOFUS Navy
Arnie MoserUS Navy
Howie MossOFUS Coast GuardUSA
Les MossCMerchant Marine
Bitsy MottIFUS Navy
Glen MoulderPUSAAF
Mo MozzaliCoachUS NavyPacific
Bill MuellerOFUS NavyUSA
Gordie MuellerPUS Navy
Heinie Mueller2BUS ArmyPacific
Les MuellerPUS Army
Ray MuellerCUS ArmyUSA
Joe MuirPUS Marine Corps
Hugh MulcahyPUS ArmyPacific
Moon Mullen2BUS ArmyUSA
Dick MulliganPUSAAFUSA
Pat MullinOFUS ArmyUSA
Red MungerPUS ArmyETO
Lingle MungoPUS Army
Ed Murphy1BUS Army
Johnny MurphyPUS Navy
Joe MurrayPUS Navy
Ray MurrayCUSAAF
Danny Murtaugh2BUS ArmyUSA
Stan MusialOFUS NavyPacific
Barney MussillPUS ArmyUSA
Steve NagyPUS Navy
Sam NahemPUS ArmyETO
Al NaplesSS
Earl NaylorOF-PUS Navy
Rocky Nelson1BUS Army
Ernie NeversPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Floyd NewkirkPUS Army
Maury NewlinPUS Naval ReserveUSA
Skeeter NewsomeIFUS Army
Gus NiarhosCUS NavyUSA
Roy NicholsIFUS Army
Milt NielsenOF
Jack NiemesPUS Navy
Al Niemiec2BUS NavyUSA
Red NonnenkampOFUS NavyUSA
Irv NorenOFUS Army
Ron NortheyOFUS ArmyUSA
Lou NovikoffOFUSAAF
Frank OceakCoachUS Navy
Walter Ockey (Okpych)PUS Army
Paul O'DeaOFUS Army
Jim Oglesby1BUS ArmyUSA
Len OkrieCUS Navy
Tom OliverOFUS NavyPacific
Barney OlsenOFUS Navy
Vern OlsenPUS NavyPacific
Buck O'NeillCoachUS NavyPacific
Harry O'NeillCUS Marine CorpsPacific
Fritz OstermuellerPUS ArmyUSA
Joe OstrowskiPUSAAF
Chink OutenCUS ArmyETO/MTO
Mickey OwenCUS NavyUSA
Paul OwensManagerUS Army
Danny Ozark (Orzechowski)ManagerUS Army
Don PadgettOF-CUS NavyUSA
Jack PaepkeCoachUS NavyPacific
Mike PalagyiPUS Army
Al PapaiPUS Army
Ace ParkerSSUS NavyUSA
Salty ParkerIF
Art ParksOFUS Army
Dixie ParsonsCUS Navy
Roy ParteeCUS Army
Stan PartenheimerPUS Army
Art PassarellaUmpireUS ArmyUSA
Bob PatrickOFUS Army
Bill PattonCUS Army
Gene PattonIFUS ArmyUSA
Ted PawelekCUS Marine CorpsUSA
Frank PearcePUS Navy
Ike PearsonPUS Marine CorpsUSA
Les PedenCUS ArmyETO
Steve PeekPUS ArmyETO
Homer PeelOFUS NavyUSA
Eddie PellagriniSS-2BUS NavyPacific
Jim PendletonOF-3B
John PerkovichPUS ArmyETO
Harry PerkowskiPUS NavyPacific/ETO
Len PermePUS Navy
Johnny Pesky (Paveskovich)SSUS NavyPacific
Bill PetermanCUS ArmyUSA
Rusty PetersIFUS Army
Buddy PetersonSSUS Navy
Kent PetersonPUS ArmyPacific
George PfisterCUSAAF
Bill PhebusPUS Army
Dave PhilleyOFUS Army
Damon PhillipsSSUS Army
Jack Phillips1BUS NavyPacific
Nick Picciuto3BUS Army
Al PiechotaPUS Army
Ray PiercePUS Navy
Jess PikeOFUS Navy
Andy PilneyOFUS NavyUSA
Cotton PippenPUS Navy
Alex PitkoOFUS Army
Whitey PlattOFUS NavyPacific
Rance PlessUS NavyPacific
Boots PoffenbergerPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Hugh PolandCUS ArmyUSA
Ken PolivkaPUS Navy
Howie PollettPUSAAFPacific
Ray PooleOFUS ArmyCanal Zone
Dave PopeOFUS ArmyUSA
Eddie PopowskiCoachUS Army
Dick PorterOFCoast GuardUSA
Bob PorterfieldPUS ArmyETO
Barnacle Bill PosedelPUS Navy
Louis PossehlPUS Navy
Jack PramesaCUS Marine CorpsUSA
Mel PreibischOFUS NavyUSA
Jim PrendergastPUS ArmyETO
Jerry PriddySSUSAAFPacific
Pid PurdyOFUS Navy
Frankie PytlakCUS NavyUSA
Mel QueenPUS ArmyUSA
Wimpy QuinnPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Steve RachunokPUS ArmyETO
Marv RackleyOFUSAAF
Rip RadcliffOFUS NavyUSA
Ken RaffensbergerPUS NavyUSA
Bob RamazzottiIFUS ArmyETO
Ribs Raney (Raniszewski)PUS Navy
Earl RappOFUS ArmyETO
Goldie Rapp3BUS Navy
Vic RaschiPUSAAF
Buck RedfernIFUS Navy
Ed RedysCoachUS Army
Billy Reed2BUS Army
Bill ReederPUS ArmyPacific
Pee Wee ReeseSSUS NavyPacific
Jimmie Reese (Soloman)2BUS ArmyUSA
Bobby ReevesIFUS Army
Herman ReichOFUSAAF
Earl ReidPUS Army
Tommy ReisPUS ArmyETO
Pete ReiserOFUS ArmyUSA
Jim ReningerPUS NavyUSA
Bill RennaOFUS Marine CorpsUSA
Dino RestelliOFUS Army
Rocky RhawnIFUS ArmyUSA
Gordon RhodesPUS ArmyN Africa
Hal RiceOFUS Army
John RiceUmpireUS Marine Corps
Woody RichPUS Marine Corps
Don Richmond3BUS ArmyPacific
Al RichterSSUS Army
Marv RickertOFUS Coast GuardPacific
Hank RiebeCUS ArmyETO
Lew Riggs3BUSAAFPacific
Bill Rigney2B-3BUS Coast Guard
Johnny RigneyPUS NavyPacific
Walt RipleyPUSAAF
Jim RiveraOFUS ArmyUSA
Tink RivierePUS Army
Johnny RizzoOFUS NavyUSA
Phil RizzutoSSUS NavyPacific
Scotty RobbUmpireUS NavyETO
Tommy Robello2B-3BUS Navy
Skippy RobergeIFUS ArmyETO
Red RobertsIFUS Army
Robin RobertsPUSAAFUSA
Sherry RobertsonIF-OFUS NavyPacific
Aaron RobinsonCUS Coast Guard
Eddie Robinson1BUS NavyUSA
Jack RobinsonPUS NavyUSA
Jackie RobinsonIFUS ArmyUSA
Sheriff RobinsonCoachUS NavyPacific
Lou Rochelli2BUS Navy
Bill RodgersOFUS Army
Oscar RoettgerP/1BUS Army
Lee RogersP
Packy Rogers (Hazinski)IFUS NavyPacific
Stan RojekSSUSAAFPacific
Jim RomanoPUS Navy
Al Rosen3BUS NavyPacific
Si RosenthalOFUS NavyETO
Chet RossOFUS NavyUSA
Joe RossiCUS Army
Francis RossoP
Jack RothrockOFUS ArmyUSA
Ralph RoweCoach
Schoolboy RowePUS NavyPacific
Bama Rowell2BUS ArmyUSA
Dick RozekPUS Navy
Bob RushPUS Army
Lefty RussoPUS ArmyUSA
Hank RuszkowskiCUS Army
Mickey Rutner3BUS ArmyETO
Blondy RyanIFUS Navy
Connie Ryan2BUS NavyPacific
Alex Sabo (Szabo)CUS NavyN Africa
Frank SackaC
Tom SaffellOFUSAAF
Johnny SainPUS Navy Air CorpsUSA
Manny SalvoPUS ArmyUSA
Ed Samcoff2BUS Marine Corps
Dee SandersCoast Guard
Fred SanfordPUS ArmyPacific
Jack Sanford1BUSAAF
Ed SanickiOFUS Navy
Frank SaucierOFUS NavyPacific
Hank SauerOFUS Coast GuardUSA
Bob SavagePUS ArmyETO
Bill SaylesPUS Army
Skeeter ScalziIFUS NavyUSA
Ray ScarboroughPUS NavyUSA
Hal SchackerPUS Army
Lefty SchaefferPUS Navy
Roy Schalk2BUS Army
Art SchallockPUS NavyPacific
George SchareinSSUS ArmyETO
Bob ScheffingCUS NavyPacific
Carl ScheibPUS Army
Mike Schemer1BUS Army
Hank Schenz2BUS NavyPacific
Bob ScherbarthCUS Navy
George SchmeesOFUS Navy
Freddy SchmidtPUS Army
Johnny SchmitzPUS NavyPacific
Hank SchmulbachUSAAF
Red Schoendienst2BUS ArmyUSA
Wes SchulmerichOFUS NavyPacific
Ham Schulte (Schultehenrich)2BUS Army
Mike SchultzPUS Army
Hal SchumacherPUS NavyPacific
Blackie SchwambPUS Navy
Ken SearsCUS NavyPacific
George SelkirkOFUS Navy
Ted Sepkowski (Sczepkowski)OF-3BUS Coast Guard
Bill SerenaIFUS Navy
Walter SessiOFUS Army
Billy ShantzCUS Navy
Bobby ShantzPUS ArmyPacific
Spec Shea (O'Shea)PUS NavyPacific
Bud SheelyCUS Army
Neill SheridanOFUS Marine Corps
Jim ShillingIFUS Coast Guard
Milt ShoffnerPUSAAFETO
Eddie Shokes1BUS NavyPacific
Clyde ShounPUS NavyPacific
Roy Sievers1B-OF
Charlie SilveraCUSAAFPacific
Ken SilvestriCUS ArmyUSA
Al SimaPUS Navy
John SimmonsOFUS Marine CorpsPacific
Harry SimpsonOF/1BUS Army
Fred SingtonOFUS NavyUSA
Dick Sisler1B-OFUS NavyUSA
Sibby Sisti2B-SSUS Coast GuardUSA
Pete SivessPUS NavyETO
Enos SlaughterOFUSAAFPacific
Lou SleaterPUS NavyUSA
Bruce SloanOFUS Army
Lefty SloatPUS Army
Roy SmalleySSUS NavyUSA
Joe SmazaOFUS Navy
Eddie SmithPUS ArmyMediterranean
John Smith1B
Vinnie SmithC/UmpireUS NavyPacific
Duke SniderOFUS NavyPacific
Hank SoarUmpireUS ArmyUSA
Bill Sommers3B-2BUS Army
Vic SorrellPUS Navy
Steve Souchock1B-OFUS ArmyETO
Warren SpahnPUS ArmyETO
Stan SpenceOFUS NavyUSA
Edward SpencerPUS NavyUSA
George SpencerPUS NavyPacific
Bob SpicerPUS Army
Homer SpraginsPUSAAF
Ebba St ClaireCUS Army
Jerry StaleyPUS ArmyPacific
Virgil StallcupSSUS Navy
George StallerOFUS Marine CorpsPacific
Charley StanceuPUS Army
Dick StarrPUS Army
Hank SteinbacherOFUS Army
Bryan StephensPUS Army
Joe StephensonCUS Army
Chuck Stevens1BUSAAFPacific
Bud StewartOFUS Navy
Lee StinePUS Navy
Ray StoviakOFUS NavyUSA
Alan StrangeSSUS Army
George StricklandIFUS Navy
Lou Stringer2BUSAAFUSA
Paul StuffelPUS Army
Bobby SturgeonSSUS Navy
Johnny Sturm1BUSAAFPacific
Charley SuchePUS Army
Jim SucheckiPUS Navy
Pete Suder2BUS Army
Billy SullivanCUS NavyUSA
John SullivanSSUS ArmyPacific
Steve SundraPUS ArmyUSA
Max SurkontPUS NavyPacific
Butch SutcliffeCUS Army
Dizzy SutherlandPUS ArmyMediterranean
Oad SwigartPUS Army
Jim Tabor3BUS Army
Leroy TalcottPUS Navy
El TappeCUS Navy
Al TatePUS Army
Tommy TatumOFUSAAF
Fred Tauby (Taubensee)OFUS NavyUSA
Ed Taylor3B-SSUS Navy
Fred Taylor1BUSAAF
Harry TaylorPUS Navy
Birdie TebbettsCUSAAFPacific
Dick TeedCUS Marine CorpsPacific
Joe TepsicOFUS Marine CorpsPacific
Wayne Terwilliger2BUS Marine CorpsPacific
Leo ThomasIFUS Navy
Ray ThomasCUS Navy
“Hank” Thompson2BUS NavyETO
Jocko ThompsonPUS ArmyETO
Junior ThompsonPUS NavyUSA
Tim ThompsonC
Bob ThorpeOFUS NavyPacific
Lou ThumanPUS ArmyETO
“Bob” ThurmanOFUS Navy
Joe TiptonCUS NavyPacific
Johnny Tobin3BUS Navy
Hal ToenesPUSAAF
Andy TomasicPUS Army
Earl Torgeson1BUS ArmyETO
Lou TostPUS NavyPacific
Red TrambackOFUS NavyPacific
Cecil TravisSS-3BUS ArmyETO
Frank TrechockSSUS Army
Nick TremarkOFUS NavyUSA
Ken TrinklePUS ArmyETO
Virgil TrucksPUS NavyPacific
Thurman TuckerOFUS NavyUSA
George TurbevillePUSAAFUSA
Edward TurchinIFUS NavyUSA
Earl TurnerCUS Army
Tom TurnerCUS Army
Bob UhlePUS Army
Mike UlisneyCUS Army
Dixie UprightUS Army
Tom UptonSSUS NavyUSA
Bob UsherOFUS NavyPacific
Elmer ValoOFUS ArmyUSA
Chris Van CuykPUS NavyPacific
Johnny Van CuykPUS Army
Maurice Van RobaysOFUS ArmyETO
Joe VancePUS Navy
Johnny Vander MeerPUS NavyPacific
Porter VaughanPUS ArmyUSA
Vince VenturaOFUSAAF
Tony VenzonUmpireUS Army
Mickey Vernon1BUS NavyPacific
George Vico1BUS Navy
Clyde VollmerOFUS Army
Jake WadePUS NavyUSA
Charlie WagnerPUS NavyPacific
Hal WagnerCUS Army
Eddie Waitkus1BUS ArmyPacific
Dick WakefieldOFUS Navy Air CorpsPacific
Ed Walczak2BUS Army
Harry WalkerOFUS ArmyETO
Hub WalkerOFUS NavyUSA
Jim WalkupPUSAAF
Lefty WallacePUS Army
Jack WallaesaSSUS ArmyMediterranean
Joe WalshSSUS Navy
Junior WalshPUS Army
Lon WarnekePUS Army
Bennie WarrenCUS NavyUSA
Tommy WarrenPUS NavyN Africa
Neal WatlingtonCUS ArmyETO
Hal WeaferUmpireUS Navy
Ken WeaferPUS Navy
Roy WeatherlyOFUS Army
Red WebbPCoast Guard
Wig WeigelCUS Coast GuardPacific
Dick WeikPUS Navy
Ed WeilandPUS NavyPacific
Dutch WeingartnerSSUSAAFUSA
Roy WeirPUS Navy
Johnny WelajOFUS Army
Leo WellsSS-3BUS Coast GuardPacific
Butch WensloffPUS Army
Bill WerlePUS Army
Vic WertzOFUSAAFPacific
Dick WestCUS NavyPacific
Max WestOFUSAAFPacific
Sam WestOFUS Army
Wally WestlakeOFCoast Guard
Wes WestrumCUS ArmyUSA
Don WheelerCUS Army
Don WhiteOFUS Navy
Ernie WhitePUS ArmyETO
Fuzz WhiteOFUS ArmyUSA
Hal WhitePUS NavyPacific
Whitey Whitehead2BUSAAFUSA
Dick WhitmanOFUS ArmyETO
Frank WhitmanSSUS Army
Bill WightPUS NavyUSA
Hoyt WilhelmPUS ArmyETO
Lefty WilkiePUS ArmyETO
Ace WilliamsPUS NavyUSA
Dib WilliamsIFUS Army
Ted WilliamsOFUS Navy/US Marine CorpsPacific
Whitey WilsherePUS Navy
George WilsonOFUS ArmyETO
Grady WilsonSSUS Army
Max WilsonPUS NavyPacific
Walt WilsonPUS Army
Tom WinsettOFUSAAFPacific
Whitey WistertPUS Navy
Mickey Witek2BUS Coast GuardUSA
Jerry Witte1BUS Army
Joe WoodPUS Navy
Ken WoodOFUS Coast Guard
Gene WoodlingOFUS NavyPacific
Al Wright2BUS Navy
Glenn WrightSSUS NavyUSA
Taffy WrightOFUSAAFPacific
Tom WrightOFUSAAFPacific
Frank WurmPUS Army
Early WynnPUS ArmyPacific
Johnny WyrostekOFUS ArmyETO
George YankowskiCUS Army
Rusty YarnallPUS Navy
Ray YochimPUS Marine CorpsPacific
Tony YorkIFUS ArmyUSA
Eddie Yost3BUS NavyUSA
Babe Young1BUS Coast Guard
Ralph Young2BUS Navy
Eddie YountOFUS ArmyETO
Eddie YuhasPUS ArmyETO
Adrian ZabalaPCuban Army
Frankie ZakSSUS Army
Al ZarrillaOFUS ArmyUSA
Gus ZernialOFUS Navy
Benny Zientara2BUS ArmyETO
George ZuverinkPUSAAFPacific