Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Major League Players With South Bend Cubs Cards

 I did some research with all of my South Bend Cubs cards.  This is their ninth season as a Cubs affiliate (it should be their tenth, but covid wiped out 2020).  There are team sets for each of the years.

Here's what I found....

  • There are 280 player cards, but not 280 players since several have cards in more than one set
  • 42 of the players on a card have made it to the majors
  • 32 made their MLB debut with the Cubs
  • 10 had their debut with other teams
  • The most Cubs from a single set is the 2018 set, with nine.
  • There were six players from the 2017 set that played with other teams
  • The first player with a South Bend card to make the majors is David Bote, with a card in the 2015 set
  • The most recent is Luke Little, who has a card in the 2023 set.

2015 - Bote debuted with the Cubs, Torres and Vosler with other teams

2016 - Alzolay, Effross, Higgins, Norwood, and Steele with the Cubs, Jimenez with another team

2017 - Miller, Payne and Swamer with the Cubs, Cease, Hudson, Machin, Paredes,Pereda, and Short with other teams.

2018 -  All nine with the Cubs

2019 - All four with the Cubs

2021 - All three with the Cubs

2022 - Canario, Estrada, Mervis, Padilla, Palencia, and Wicks with the Cubs, Herz with another team

2023 - Little with the Cubs

1 comment:

  1. Those are mostly pretty nice cards. Makes me want to look into getting similar sets for Mets affiliates. Speaking of which I think Zach Short (who appeared in just 10 games and had only 12 PAs) is the only player in this batch who has suited up for the Mets.
