Friday, June 7, 2024

South Bend Cubs Complete Schedule Run

 A few weeks ago I showed the South Bend Cubs' 2024 pocket schedule.  I've been working for a while to have a complete run of their schedules, starting with 2015, their first season as a Cubs affiliate.    Last week I was able to fill the last hole in my collection and now I have all of their schedules.

The first edition, 2015, was a little narrower, and then moving forward they are 2½" x 3½".   The 2015 is also the only one that doesn't have the name of the ballpark, Four Winds Field, on the cover.  In fact, the name of the park is not mentioned anywhere on the schedule.  

The 2018 edition is the first to have a tag line on the bottom.  On that one it was "Where Champions are Built."  After that is has been "Where Everyone Comes to Play."

The Cubs won the league title in 2019 and the 2020 schedule makes note of that.  Since the season was cancelled due to Covid, the 2021 schedule also mentions that 2019 championship and includes a picture of the championship ring.  The 2021 version is also the first to have a QR code.  The code is pretty big, taking up almost a quarter of the cover.  That has affected the size of everything else on the cover.

The 2022 season saw the Cubs as league champions again, so that is prominently displayed on the 2023 cover.

Its disappointing that the big league Cubs no longer put out a pocket schedule, so I'm happy to have the South Bend Cubs fill in.  I hope they continue to have schedules into the future.

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