Saturday, September 7, 2024

Eighties Alphabetically - Jewel

Jewel grocery (or "da Jewels") is definitely a Chicago thing.  If you're not from the Chicago area, you probably never heard of the chain.  As a local Chicago store, they have been Chicago boosters and that has been shown with occasional baseball picture releases.  They issued sets of Cubs players in 1969, 1973, 1977, and 1984.

The 1984 set was like the others and featured pictures of players printed on large 6"x9" paper.  There are 16 pictures in all and they are all head shots.  The cropping was odd with this set, as it looks like the players that were picked up during spring training or the season were cropped with just their head showing while those with the team for a longer time were cropped at the waist.


  1. As an Upstate N.Y. resident, these maps are interesting in how much NYC influence has on the selection for New York State. I don't think I've ever been to a Shop-Rite and associate it completely w/New Jersey. Something like Tops would be more appropriate for most of N.Y.

    1. We definitely have our share of ShopRites in NJ. CT has a bunch, too, but Stop & Shop is probably more common statewide.

  2. I definitely had not heard of Jewel's, though I've heard of almost all the chains shown on the map. Actually thought you were going to mention the *singer* Jewel, but that wouldn't work for the '80s lol.

  3. A. Never heard of Jewels.

    B. Cool to see Fry's is still around in Arizona. When I was a kid there was one down the street from my house.

    C. Not surprising to see Trader Joe's in California. There's a bunch in my area, but I go to Safeway and Albertsons more.
