Monday, November 6, 2023

Just A Quick Ginter Team Set Question

Sometimes team sets in Allen and Ginter get a little muddled because of the non-baseball players.  Last year the set included the Cubs PA announcer Jeremiah Paprocki.  He was shown in a Cubs jersey and I included him in the team set.

What about this one?  Thomas Ian Nicholas is shown in a Cubs jersey because he was Henry Rowengartner in the movie Rookie of the Year.

So, Cubs team set or no?

It would have been much easier if they made this card!


  1. Rule for my team binders is if they're wearing a Dodgers uni, it goes in the binder, doesn't need to be a player.

  2. I'm not a team collector, but if I were, I don't think I'd consider cards like this as part of the team set. Fun, yes; essential, no.

  3. Yeah, I'd add this card to the collection. Definitely a fun add, and he's sporting the same colors as he did in the movie. So why not?
    Always remember, it's your collection! You get the final say!

  4. The fictional former Rookie of the Year should make the cut!
