Friday, December 20, 2019

1992 Confex Baseball Enquirer Andre Dawson

Here's a fun card from Chad.  This is the 1992 Confex Baseball Enquirer card of Andre Dawson.

Well, we have to assume that this is Andre Dawson.  

The 64-card set is a parody set.  None of the players are mentioned by name on either the front or the back.  There are two other Cubs in the set, Don Zimmer and George Bell.

The 1992 set was the only one released by Confex.  Since I already have ⅓  of all the Cubs, I plan to hunt down the other two.  This will be an easy brand to complete!


  1. Is that a hawk on his hat? Kind of looks like a bat.

  2. Confex released a set of baseball related cards in 1983 called Wacky at Bats, I need two of the cards for my bubble collection, #'s 14 and 15
