What I never figured out was how to display the wrappers. For now, they were just stored in post card sleeves. I knew there had to be a better way to display them.
Yesterday, it hit me. It was a great idea, though some may see it as a bit dishonest. My plan: stick some cards in the wrapper and repack it.
I grabbed some of my doubles and Mrs. Wrigley Wax's iron. Here is how it turned out:
1969 - 1972
1973 - 1975, 1977
Pretty nice looking if I do say so myself!
I think an entire shelf lined with these would look great. But first, I will NEVER sell these as packs. They are for display purposes only, and my display purposes only. I know ebay if full of repacked wax that is being passed as unopened. I have no interest in doing anything as despicable as that .
These are for my use and display only. They display much nicer as packs than any other way I could come up with.
When packing them, in the interest of historical accuracy, I did put in cards from the wrapper's year. But alas, there is no gum! I've got 1969 - 1975, 1977, 1979, 1989, and 1990 packs put together.
But I don't have any singles from 1976, 1978, 1980 - 1988 , and 1991 - 1994. I sold off my 1976's and the rest of the years are from when I was buying factory sets and I didn't buy any wax packs.
My plea to you: If you have anything lying around from any of the above years, would you be willing to send 15 of them my way. I'd be happy to send you cards from '69-74 in exchange, though most of mine are not in the greatest of shape. And if there is a particular player or team, let me know and I will see what I've got.
UPDATE: All have been taken care of except 1982...thanks Matt, Ken, and Howard!!
Still looking for '82.
Email me and let's work out a trade.
Those mid-late 70s packs bring back memories. I e-mailed you about a possible trade. I have doubles of several of those years.