Thursday, January 11, 2018

Not Quite as Jumbo Sosa and Grace

In 1998 Zenith again has some oversized cards, but they made definite improvements over the monstrosities from the previous year.

First, they made the card size not as jumbo, 5" x 7".  They are much more manageable.  Also, they have the same height and width ratio as regular cards, so they don't have an odd look to them.  Finally, Zenith didn't use the same pictures on the base and big cards.


These are the jumbo cards.  I think they look pretty nice.  I'm especially happy that they cropped the Sosa card correctly.


These are the base cards.  They're nice-looking too.  You can see some design changes between the big and little cards.

Its too bad that Zenith finally got the jumbos figured out in 1998, because this was their final release. 

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