This is from the 1955 card of Cubs pitcher Howie Pollet.

And here is a better look at the trivia question. The answer on the card is true, though by the end of the 1955 season the Dodgers would be world champs. I'm hoping that a trivia question on the back of a 2010 card says "When did the Cubs last win the World Series?" With the same luck as the 1955 Dodgers, the Cubs will win the 2010 series!

Here is the back of the 1956 Cubs team card. Wrigley and Fenway would be the only two ballparks still in use from the 16 team cards in the set.

And at the bottom of the card, the sad facts about the Cubs last pennant and world championship. A card from 2010 would say the exact same thing :(

These are the backs from Lee Walls' 1958 and 1959 cards.

A closer look at the cartoons shows that Topps really had a thing about his "Captain Midnight" nickname, talking about it two years in a row.
Here is the real Captain Midnight

And this is what Walls looks like....not exactly a superhero type.
That was a great post. Highly entertaining. I'm not that creative to think of stuff like that.