Saturday, March 30, 2024

Eighties Alphabetically - Cap'n Crunch Cubs Card

 How's that title for alliteration!

What kid didn't love some Cap'n Crunch for breakfast.  Nothing like a load of sugar to get the day started!

By 1989 I was a husband and dad with two kids meaning my Cap'n Crunch days were over.  I never saw the cards the the Cap'n put out.  His was a one and done set of 22 cards.  Specially marked boxes contained a pack of two cards plus some gum.

Gum you say?  Yes, because the Cap'n partnered with Topps for his baseball cards, which I think is pretty cool.  Unfortunately, the budget didn't include money for an MLB license, so the cards are missing logos.

Andre Dawson was the only Cub in the set.  The 8 inside the baseball is not the card number. Topps put the player's uniform number in there.  


  1. Love me some Capn Crunch, regardless of what it does to the roof of my mouth!

  2. Gum in a cereal box does seem deeply weird.

  3. I went hard at trying to complete this set back in '89. Ended up needing only card #4 Frank Viola. I still have some dupes still in the wrapper (with the gum!) Even though these cards were not MLB-licensed, these cards still have a fun vibrant design. Even the backs were pretty cool.
