Monday, March 30, 2020

19 Is Not A Good Number

The number 19 has been in the news an awful lot lately, and not in a positive way.

And when I looked up the Cubs players who have worn #19 over the years, the trend continued.  There have been 55 different players and coaches that have used #19, and they have not been very good.


Charley Root and Manny Trillo had the most success with #19 on their back.  But a majority of the players are guys with marginal careers and guys you probably never heard of.

I've got a card of 35 of the 55 players.  Look through the tile and see how many players you
a) recognize, and
b) know that they had a decent career.  I think you'll end up with two short lists.

Here's the complete list of all those who have been #19 with the Cubs.  Names in bold are in the tile.

Pat Bourque (1971-73)
Danny Breeden (1971)
Hee Seop Choi (2002-03)
Tyler Colvin (2009)
Red Corriden (c) (1937-40)
Mike DiFelice (2004)
Sammy Drake (1960-61)
Lee Elia (1968)
Phil Gagliano (1970)
Curtis Goodwin (1999)
Andy Haines (C) (2018)
Jason Hardtke (1998)
Brendan Harris (2004)
Joe Hatten (1952)
Bill Heath (1969)
Bill Henry (1958)
Jonathan Herrera (2015)
Damian Jackson (2004)
Hal Jeffcoat (1948-49, 1954-55)
Brooks Kieschnick (1996-97)
Doyle Lade (1946)
Bill Lee (1934)
Rodrigo Lopez (2012)
Mark Loretta (C) (2019
Dick Manville (1952)
Gonzalo Marquez (1973-74)
Pepper Martin (c) (1956)
Gary Matthews Jr. (2001)
Jakie May (1932)
Jose Molina (1999)
Matt Murton (2005-08)
Lou Novikoff (1941-42)
Barney Olsen (1941)
Emmett O'Neil (1946)
Billy Ott (1962)
Dave Owen (1983-85)
Kevin Roberson (1993-95)
Daryl Robertson (1962)
Charlie Root (1933)
Bobby Scales (2010)
Nate Schierholtz (2013-14)
Paul Smith (1958)
Charley Smith (1969)
Jimmy Stewart (1963-67)
Dan Straily (2014)
Pat Tabler (1981-82)
Harry Taylor (1932)
Moe Thacker (1958)
Manny Trillo (1975-78. 1986-88)
Koji Uehara (2017)
Hector Villanueva (1991-92)
Lon Warneke (1942)
Elder White (1962)
Curtis Wilkerson (1989-90)
Enrique Wilson (2005)

Like I said, 19 is not a good number!


  1. Wow, pretty much devoid of any star power there. Although, I was a fan of Hector Villanueva and Bobby Scales during their playing days.

  2. Manny Trillo was a good player. Better as a Phillie though.

  3. The non Cubbies that wore #19 has several super stars...Feller, Gwynn, Yount to name a few.

  4. Dodgers #19 has been retired since 1978. Jim Gilliam wore it.

  5. I'm with P-town...All Hail Hector Villanueva! Also, Lee Elia's pretty famous for other reasons, and Tyler Colvin's 19 is way too close to that nasty virus. Hope you're hunkered down well!
