I decided to go a different direction. Instead of certified auto, I would look into just a plain on-card autograph. The risk here, of course, would be fraud. I'm not much of a betting man, so I wasn't going to spend too much on one of these.
Here's what I ended up with, an autograph on a Donruss '91 card. The card set me back all of $6.99. The seller sells a bunch of autographs and has a 99.9% feedback rating with over 6900 transactions. His only negative didn't mention a fake autograph.
Plus, he included a nifty Certificate of Authenticity. Of course, anyone can make up one of these, so for the most part, they aren't worth the paper their printed on.
So there, $6.99 and piece of mind....for the most part!
Besides most of his certifieds being Braves they're also really pricey. Enjoy your card. Looks real to me.