Thursday, May 16, 2024

Looking Ahead to Heritage 2024

 I'm done with all of the 2024 Heritage Cubs cards, so let's take a peak ahead to next year.  We go from the big colorful 1975 cards to a more subdued design in 1976.  We are also back to the teams being color-coordinated.  For the Cubs that means a blue border and a pinkish-red name box.  They are the same colors that Topps used for the Cubs in 1974.  And like in the 1973 set  there are position specific player drawings on the fronts.

Here is my mock-up of a 2025 Heritage card.

This is the card that I used for inspiration.  In fact, I used it for more than just inspiration.  I used the background!  It was a fairly simple thing to remove Zahn and replace him with Shota.  If it was easy for me, isn't this something that the professionals at Topps could do?

There are cards of 22 Cubs players in the 1976 set.  Every single picture is a posed shot.  I sure wish that all of the Heritage Cubs in 2025 will be posed, and even better, posed and dropped into 1976 Wrigley Field, or Scottsdale Stadium (where a majority of the pictures were taken).  

But I'm a realist and I know that won't happen.  We'll most likely end up with all action photos and have cards that don't really capture the vibe of the 1976 set.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting concept - use the background from the 1976 set on next year heritage's design
