Saturday, December 23, 2023

Eighties Alphabetically - Ames

 This is an easy one!


Ames discount stores put out one set in one year in the 1980s and had two Cubs.

You can see from the cards that they partnered with Topps.  In fact, Topps was doing several partnerships with discount stores during this time.  Ames wasn't a big player in the store world, but I suppose they wanted to keep up with K-Mart and Woolworths, among others.

This set came out in 1989 and featured 33 cards in a boxed set.  All of the players in the set had at least on season that included 20 homers and 20 stolen bases.  Dawson accomplished that five times, though never with the Cubs.  Ryno did it three times.


  1. I've always liked this design.

  2. Ames was pretty big in the Northeast in the 1980s, it was in a lot of rural towns. When I first moved for a job, it was the only department store for miles, I never liked going there but had no choice. People there called it "Ameses."
