Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Skybox 1999 E-X Century

 Nope, they didn't name the 1999 version E-X2002.  Instead, it was called E-X Century.  And like the previous two names, this makes no sense since the new century wouldn't start for another two years.  I guess they wanted to get a head start.

The set is made up of 120 cards, which is a bit of a bump from 1998.  The cards are again printed on clear plastic.  I was able to get the four Cubs for $1.17, less than 30¢ each.  I'm sure that you had to pay a whole lot more than that per card back in 1999.



1 comment:

  1. I have cards from both E-X and Emotion sets. Had no idea they were related to each other.
