Saturday, July 13, 2024

Eighties Alphabetically - Fritsch

 The Fritsch name has been around the baseball card business as a seller since 1970.  I somehow got on their mailing list and receive their catalog a couple of times a year.

The got into the creating side of the business in 1977 with a set called "One Year Winners."  The name pretty much explains who you'd expect to see in the set.  A second set came out two years later.  

Their third and final version of set came out in 1983.  There are 118 cards and of those, six belong to Cubs.



Most of these guys played in the early 1960s, well before my time as a Cub fan began.  I must admit that I had never heard of any of the six before I saw their cards.

There are a total of 56 games played between the six players.  Elder White played in the most, 23 games, while George Gerberman and Don Prince each played in just one big league game.  The oddest of the six would have to be Al Lary.  He played in one game for the Cubs in 1954 and then 15 more in 1962.  I guess you have to admire his tenacity in trying to get back to the majors after that single appearance in 1954.

1 comment:

  1. There are 2 Cubs each in the 1977 and 1979 sets also.
