Friday, October 23, 2020

Fixed Some More Unlicensed Cards

 Panini isn't the only unlicensed brand.  The late 80s and early 90s were filled with cards that had only the MLBPA license.  I fixed six to give you an idea of how a hat with a logo looks more like a baseball card.



These are cards from 1992 Diet Pepsi, 1985 General Mills, 1989 Holsum, 1986 Jays Potato Chips, 1987 Kraft, and 1993 Metz Bakery.  For me, the look of the blank hats is like finger nails on a chalk board -- annoying beyond belief.

I had to play with a couple of the logos to get them in Cubs colors of blue and red, so that they'd seem a bit more natural looking.  



My favorites are the General Mills and Metz Bakery.  Their logos look like they belong on a MLB hat.