Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I Fixed The Heritage Cartoons

 One last Heritage cartoon post.

After looking at the messed up cartoons, I decided to try and fix the broken ones.  

First, there are five Cubs cards that I didn't feel needed to be fixed.  The text and the cartoons match up well enough.

Next, there were four that just needed a little Photoshopping.  A little tweaking of the cartoon was all that was necessary.

I removed the base the player was standing on to make it more appropriate for outfielder Billy Williams.

There were five players drawn in the original, but since the cartoon talked about 13 Braves, there are now 13 players.

The unnecessary question mark that was on the pitcher's jersey has been removed.

I replaced the "12" that was coming out of the bat with ".353," Wisdom's isolated home power number.

These were the easy ones.  For the other seven cards I would need a different cartoon. I have the 1975 Topps set, so I just paged through the binder and found something more appropriate.  I also made minor adjustments on a couple of the 1975 cartoons.

This was the easiest one because the exact question on Wesneski's card was also on the 1975 card of Eldrod Hendricks, along with the cartoon answer.  

Why on earth did Topps not use this cartoon on Heritage and instead decided to go with a swinging batter???  It makes absolutely no sense.

I think a fielder making a great catch matches better with Defensive Player of the Year text.

A home run swing on a  home run card instead of binoculars.

The catcher was a very bizarre choice for draft text.  I replaced it with some draft news.  

The pitcher with a book is replaced by a pitcher throwing darts.

The cartoon I used had two players in Japan on it originally.  I added a third to match the text.

The book-holding pitcher was replaced with a pitcher in a baby stroller since the text talks about a Cubs rookie.

It really wasn't that difficult to make these changes.  I wish Topps cared enough to have done it instead of leaving it up to me.


  1. Nicely done. Yeah, Topps could easily do those things. Heck, there's no reason they can't hire someone cheap to crank out some new cartoons in that style.

  2. Nice job. Terrific observations and revisions!
