Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Cubs 2015 Media Guide

My Cubs media guide collection goes back to 1958, the year they sold their first, then called a roster book.  I'm not about to end the run anytime soon.

So here you go...

...the 2015 Cubs media guide.

The cover is no surprise at all.  How could they not put the late Mr. Cub on the cover.

Then again, they really had to scramble.

The media guide typically has a disclaimer on one of the first couple pages that says the information is correct as of a certain date, usually around the 15th of February.  This year's lists the date as February 16.

Ernie died on January 23.  That means the staff had just three weeks to revise the cover.  I'm pretty sure that's why they went with such a basic look.

Ron Santo died in December, 2010 and the Cubs had more time to put something together for him.

The book itself is pretty typical of the media guides put out over the past five years.  The layout, the staff and player bios, the general information...all pretty much the same.

This is what 58 years of media guides looks like.

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