Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Complete Set of 2000 Cubs Quarterly Cards

 Now that I have the fourth edition of 2000 Cubs Quarterly, I've got all 36 of the cards that were included in the magazine throughout the season.





These are the nine from the final edition.  Notice how they saved Sammy for the last set.  You want the big star?  Then you have to keep buying the books!

Nine cards in each of the four Cubs Quarterly magazines makes for a complete set of 36 cards.

There isn't much out there about the set. It's not listed in the Standard Catalog or on the TCDB.  Some day I may have to figure out how to add sets to the TCDB and put it up there. 


  1. I like the Grace card picturing him tracking down an infield fly. The Billy Williams coach card is cool too.

  2. I've added the set to TCDB for you :)

    With credits to your blog for the full checklist:
