Several weeks ago I showed the base cards from the Allan Kaye's Sports Card News. I mentioned that I wasn't done, though. There were a couple of other sets within the price guides that I was after. I've got them all now.
These are from the first extra set, a tobacco card set. The cards have different designs, though they come from the same set. The Hornsby card is #5 while the Hartnett came later in the set, #28.
The other two insert cards are a result of a gimmick with the Kaye's guide.
Each issue has two different covers. One was always a baseball player while the other featured a sports star that wasn't necessarily a baseball player.
Ryno was on the cover of the August 1992 edition as was Hank Aaron. The big card on the cover is meant to be cut out and saved.
Here's what the Sandberg cover looked like after I took my scissors to it. But the same card was available on the inside of the Aaron edition.
It came on this page, along with the tobacco cards. So once again I had to get my scissors and do some snipping.
These cards are pretty big, measuring 5" x 8". If you cut them out to that size you can pretty easily tell which comes from the cover and which is from the inside. The cover cards have a colored border. Sandberg has a dark orange border. The Aaron card would have a dark green edge if I cut it out.
The base Kaye's cards and the tobacco cards are both listed in the Trading Card Database but the portrait cards are not. The portrait cards are also much harder to find on eBay.