As I was reading the comments, that jogged my memory a bit and I thought I had an old issue or two of Street and Smith's Baseball Yearbook around the house somewhere. I dug through some boxes in the basement and found the 1984 issue.

Guess what I found as I was paging through the magazine?

Yup, there it is. A full page ad from TCMA.

And here is a closeup of the ad for the team sets. Notice that they don't mention which year's release you'd get. So I suppose you could end up with the '77, '79, or '80 set. But hey, it was only a buck.
I also found something that would appeal to one of the commenters, Captain Kirk. He mentioned that he lived in the DC area, and bought some sets through the mail from an area card shop, Den's Collectors Den. Well, guess what I found on page 17?

The ad doesn't mention any TCMA All Team sets, but for $1 you could get Den's catalog. I wonder if the TCMA cards were in the catalog?
Just don't look too carefully at the price for a complete 1984 Topps set. Den was selling them for $21. Want to guess what the most recent price on my monthly price check was? $16.10. When I was getting complete sets back then, I thought that when my two older kids got to college, I could sell a few and college would be paid for. That's not quite the way it turned out....that 1984 set wouldn't even pay for a paperback book from the college bookstore.
The college fund we have for WW Jr. is a mutual fund.
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