Tuesday, July 11, 2023

On The Katy Trail - Clinton, Missouri

Mrs. WW and I are on the Katy Trail.  We're celebrating our 40th anniversary by riding 240+ miles across the state of Missouri on the Katy Trail.  The trail is the longest continuous rail-trail in the United States, so that made it seem worth taking on.

We are starting out today at the west end of the trail, Clinton, Missouri.  We'll be riding across to the east end over the next eight days.  Each day's ride averages about 36 miles and we're taking a day off while we are in Jefferson City, so it is very doable.

Before we left I did some research to see if we will be riding through the birthplace of any MLB players.  I'll post something on the day we see that town if there was a player from there.

Today's town, Clinton, is the birthplace of Steve Luebber.

Luebber had a big league career from 1971-1981, mostly with the Twins.